Let's Connect

Modern Slavery Act Statement

GIG Health is committed to excellent corporate governance and lawful and ethical behaviour is of paramount importance and critical to its continued success. The GIG Health Code of Conduct requires all GIG Health employees to operate with integrity and transparency in all interactions with clients and other partners and places similar obligations upon its suppliers.



Consistent with our values, we are a strong supporter of human rights globally in our workplace, at our facilities, in our external supply chain and in our communities. We do not condone slavery or human trafficking of any kind and are committed to reducing the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain.

GIG Health is fully supportive of the laws introduced within the United Kingdom through the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to combat slavery, forced or compulsory labour and the trafficking of persons for any purpose (“Slavery and Human Trafficking”). GIG Health’s Human Rights Policy requires all GIG Health agencies to commit strictly to the use of voluntary labour only and prohibits any form of modern slavery.

GIG Health suppliers worldwide include, without limitation, production and design companies, IT and communications services including cloud, software and hardware suppliers, advertising platforms, social media platforms, print services, property, office cleaning, office supplies and equipment and facilities management services, including energy suppliers, waste management services, couriers, transportation services, such as road transportation, airlines and train companies, merchandise suppliers, and hospitality service suppliers including hotel conference or venue providers, catering suppliers, professional services such as auditors, actuaries, tax advisors, legal advisors, insurers, banks and talent and recruitment agencies.

Given the nature of GIG Health’s business and the geographical location of its business and suppliers, GIG Health does not consider that there is a significant risk of modern slavery within its supply chains or its own businesses. The principal suppliers in our advertising business supply chain are predominantly reputable companies providing ancillary services to our advertising and marketing services for clients, such as, media owners, production companies, design companies, editing and animation studios, record companies, musicians, photographers, and also professional suppliers such as legal advisors, insurers, and talent agencies. No instances of Slavery and Human Trafficking have been identified by GIG Health in its operations or suppliers.

We require all our employees to know and to adhere to our Principles of Integrity. We also

require our contractors, consultants, vendors, and any individuals who do business with GIG Health to comply with the 3P Standards. Supplier Expectations GIG Health sets expectations that its suppliers and partners are operating with responsible practices in their operations, including respecting human rights and labour, and complying with the laws of the countries in which we do business. In our 3P Standards, which are part of our supplier qualification process, we outline these expectations and include an Acknowledgment of Terms.

We require all our employees to know and to adhere to our Principles of Integrity. We also expect our contractors, consultants, vendors, and any individuals who do business with GIG Health to comply with the Standards of Business Conduct and Ethics for Third Parties. In addition, our employees have voluntary training opportunities to ensure ongoing awareness and compliance with our policies and standards.




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